
Thursday, December 11, 2008


Polar bears, the highest up on the food chain in the Arctic, are now falling prey to it’s own climate. Increasing levels of heat-trapping gasses and carbon dioxide are causing drastic climate changes in our world today, severely affecting the colder regions.

When the southern edge of the Arctic ice cap melts in the summer, polar bears follow the retreating sea ice, sometimes leaving them stranded and forced to spend their summers living off their body fat. As global temperatures continue to rise, the annual sea ice in the arctic is melting earlier and forming later. Research shows that this leaves polar bears with less time to hunt and build up fat stores and more time fasting. At a press conference, here in Washington, Dirk Kempthorn, (Secretary of the Interior) acknowledged that “Arctic sea ice- vital for the polar bears’ survival- was clearly receding, and that scientific studies by the U.S. Geological Service (USGS) estimated some 30% decline in sea ice by mid- century.” (A study by the USGS released last September projected a two-thirds decline in polar bear population.)

Polar bears becoming endangered is an upsetting ordeal. These magnificent bears help prevent overpopulation of seals in the wild. Without them, seals could rise to an alarming number causing a decline in fish, and other effects that we can’t even imagine. Any species becoming extinct is a disturbance in the circle of life, which leads to potentially catastrophic consequences. I believe we as people who live on this earth, should take care of it, and show compassion towards our helpless animals affected by things they have no control over. It helps me on an emotional level to be able to relate to another living creature when making personal behavior changes that may be inconvenient. Support going green, and save the polar bears.