
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Portfolio: FINAL EXAM. Frame #2

In recent work, Optimism One, the writer of “Punk Power in the First-Year Writing Classroom”, has found that the writing process is greatly influenced by the opinions of others. He states that the “simple solution” for being stifled while writing is to find a person to talk to, just to hear what you’ve written, and to get some feedback, or as Peter Elbow would put it, “…there is nothing better then finding one person, or more to talk to. If they don’t agree or have trouble understanding, so much the better-as long as their minds are not closed.” (49? lol)

My experience in life with writing, confirms this claim to be true, but only in certain situations. When I have somebody look over my work and give feed back, it’s only valuable if it’s constructive criticism. This quarter in Writing 101, I’ve gotten some of that, but I’ve also gotten a lot of destructive criticism. You have to find the right people to be involved, while sharing your writing or the information shared becomes even more a block for the writer. Optimism One states that with out peer–sharing, you can begin to “feel unaccountable for practicing, not to mention being stifled in various stages.” I fully understand what he’s saying and agree entirely. While writing alone you aren’t sure if something flows properly, or which words to substitute in places, giving the group work a purpose.

Reading this excerpt, puts things in a different perspective for me, in terms of realizing how much people affect your work. I will now be more aware of the fact that people are good walls to bounce ideas off of, although will continue to be cautious about who i bounce mine off.

I think I've pretty much covered everything that i can, without rambling so I'm just going to stop lol.